Thursday, August 24, 2006

Friday, ur just one day away

Alright so, what's new ... hum. Not much. I'm learning about easy stuff in Math, Science ... I forgot xD , Language I'm learnign suffixes atm, Bible I'm learnign about the Fall of man, and History I'm learning about ..... umm..... Egyptian old kingdoms I believe.

Besides school ... Tommorow is Friday!! Which is a bittersweet day considering that it's the last day of school for the week, and then youth group at night ^___^ But then there's the fact that i don't get to go on the comp. on the weekends so yea xD

Anyways, Maybe I might be able to finally wear the plaid shirt I bought tommorow with the new jewlry. Altho im scared cuz the pink earring hoops look big XD

anddd times up on the computer. Aii , Cya

Thursday, August 17, 2006

um no?

Today I practiced more with the guitar. It's pretty painful playing it . Especially when I have to have all four fingers on four frets holding down at the same time. If you don't hold it down like your about to die then it sounds terrible :P I'm having some difficulity when i have to do that at the first four frets but I'll get the catch of it soon.

I'm listening to Leeland, Tears of the Saints ^___^ It's an awesome song. For some reason it sometimes makes me want to cry too x) I really love their band :D Maybe when I save up enough money I'll be able to buy their new cd which is their first :D It jsut came out on Tuesday I believe.

I actually don't hate the beginning of school. It's easy and interesting :D Its just later on when it gets harder and boring xP I'm planning to be a good girl this school year and actually do my projects , PLUS have them on time. It's about time I'd be responsible in school. I'm going to really try my best and study, take notes, & not be lazy. Sure, maybe I won't use w/e i learn in school but atleast this is what God would want me to do n__n

Now im listening to another song x) from Brandon Heath, I love this song too. I'm memorizing i t so maybe i can actually sing it in the next open mic coffee shop at church :) I'm sure I'll be able to waiter and do one song :P I asked how it went last cofee shop and it went great! So that's awesome. And the worship team went up on the open mic and sang and played guitar so it sounds liek they had fun. I'm definately going to become a waiter and go.

Well, I got like 7 minutes left on the computer so I'm going to go play some games hehe

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Dance ----

Ah well, School started and yea .... So far its alright :D

My IOWA test grades FINALLY came and im happy with all the results except social studies. That one was the one I was worrying about and I was right to worry cuz i got like only half of it right XD

Besides that .... well I gotta ask my parents if I could be able to help in the coffeshop at church :D We are making a smal coffeshop and its going to be awesome x) I'm hoping to be a waiter. They even have our youth group logo on the aprons so it's going to be great ^__^

anyways I must take pictures of my new stuff and show my friends x)

Umm.... let's see All day basically has been school, listening to music, talking to friends, playing games , and eating lol Fun fun

O and there is worship team pratice tonight, woohoo.
I'm going to play some more games and try and beat this highscore :P